
If you are wearing an absorbent bandage

  • Please keep your bandage on for 24 hours, unless otherwise specified by your artist

If you’re wearing second skin

  • Please leave your bandage on for 2-3 days unless otherwise specified by your artist.

  • When removing it, we suggest hopping in the shower. With water running on the bandage, peel a corner up and stretch the bandage out, away from the skin rather than peeling it off like you would a band aid. Sort of like removing a command hook! This tends to be a little easier on your skin.

  • If you notice the bandage is feeling painful or irritated around the edges, we recommend taking it off right away and following the aftercare instructions below.

  • Your bandage is waterproof, you can shower with it but we do not recommend soaking it. If you notice water getting under your bandage, please remove it.

  • You will want to avoid sweating in your bandage, this can irritate your skin and tattoo.

After removing your bandage

  • With clean hands, wash the tattoo thoroughly with unscented liquid soap or a fresh bar of unscented soap and warm water. Be sure to wash off all blood, ink, or plasma that has surfaced.

  • Blot your tattoo dry with a paper towel. Do not use your bath towel. Continue washing daily in the same way! Showers are good, but avoid baths or soaking it in any way.

  • Once your tattoo starts feeling dry and itchy (approximately 2-3 days following the bandage coming off, but will depend on what bandage you used, your tattoo, and how your body heals), you can start moisturizing with a water based, unscented moisturizer such as Aveeno. Avoid oil or petroleum based products as it won’t let your tattoo breathe properly. You just want to apply a thin layer once or twice a day, working it in as you would a hand cream.

  • If scabs form, resist the urge to pick them. It’s normal to see some flaking or scabbing during the healing process.

  • Avoid excessive sunlight

  • The initial healing process can last anywhere between 2-4 weeks, This can depend on your skin, the tattoo and the placement.

  • If you are having a serious or adverse reaction, please contact a healthcare professional.

  • If you have any questions, please email your artist or drop us a line at

Thank you for getting tattooed!

Feel free to pop in once it’s healed, we would love to see you and your tattoo!